Case study: Maximizing the effectiveness of media spend

Case study: Maximizing the effectiveness of media spend
Maximizing the effectiveness of media spend

ACT-Copy testing in technology

The challenge

Our client wanted to assess and maximize the effectiveness of its advertising in order to capitalize its significant media spend.

How we got there

We conducted an online copy test to evaluate the break through of the client’s digital and pre-roll video advertising among target audiences.

Creative executions were analyzed in terms of their resonance, branding and messaging.

Insights based on proven advertising theory, open-end diagnostics and moment-by-moment evaluation techniques highlighted the need for improvements to be made to two executions. Results improved significantly following these changes.



The results of this
ACT- Copy study

  • Our client saved $9m on media following our testing – very significant given the total budget of $92m.
  • We identified revisions needed for online and pre-roll advertising to make it effective, including changing the placement of the logo.
  • Our testing and the changes made resulted in higher brand recall, credibility and interest.

Maximize digital advertising
budget with ACT-Copy

  • Research your advertising for the fraction of the cost of your media spend
  • Make sure your creative ads are effective against a significant media spend
  • Identify the improvements needed for individual executions
  • Test the improvements to make sure they work for the campaign
  • Check whether your messaging is consistent across all platforms
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