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We’re proud to be part of the Paragon Partnership

We’re proud to be part of the Paragon Partnership

Paragon has a big goal – to help tackle the UN’s 17 Global Goals for sustainable development to make the world a better place. That means end poverty, combat climate change, and fight injustice and inequality around the world. MetrixLab has joined this initiative because we believe by working together, we can provide insights that form the basis of positive change.

As well as research companies, there are four other types of organizations that make up the Paragon Partnership: the clients of research agencies such as Unilever, governments, NGOs and academia. Together, our resources and experience combines to bring key insights and opinion to inform and support the goals. Paragon has already used consumer research in the Philippines to understand how to improve citizens’ lives, but there is so much more to do.

The first step for 2017 is the 100 Day Challenge, an initiative to encourage 3500 corporate members to donate their resources to give something back to society. We’re working as part of the Paragon Partnership to help achieve this goal in the first quarter of the New Year.

If you want to get involved, register your interest.

We’ll keep you updated on progress and projects throughout 2017.

To sign up, or for more information, please contact Jon Arthurs: [email protected]