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Webinar: Usage & impact of social Insights at Masco

Masco shares use and impact of social media insights

Our client Masco shares usage & impact of social media insights

Social media insights are used to make key marketing decisions for many brands at Masco.

Kim Bozich, e-Business Manager at Masco Corporation presented on usage & impact of social media insights on real business decisions and the learning and application from 5 years of public social media data collection and analysis.

Download the PDF to learn:

  • Issues that brands could directly address with social insights
  • The power of enterprise visibility into social metrics
  • How analysis and insights evolved with popular changes to user generated content

Contact us >> to learn more about social media insights.

Social Insights

MetrixLab operates a Social Insights Privacy Policy, which takes into account the privacy of people publishing content online.

Learn more!

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Kim Bozich - Masco