Privacy Notice

Last updated: September 2022


1. Who are we and what do we offer?

We are MetrixLab B.V. (MetrixLab). We are a global market research and insights company. We provide our Clients with consumer insights that drive business impact (our Services).

We offer our Clients access to our

You can find more information about our Services on our Website:

2. Privacy Notice

This is our General Privacy Notice, in which we explain what kind of Personal Data we collect via our Website, our Dashboard, other contact channels and social media pages, and online public sources. We also explain what role we have in the processing of Personal Data, how long we retain them and what rights you have as a Data Subject.

3. Personal Data and Controller

We process Personal Data. Personal Data means all information by which a person can be directly or indirectly identified. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) we are the so-called Controller of your Personal Data. If you have questions about the processing of your Personal Data, you can always contact us through the contact details listed at the bottom of this Privacy Notice.

4. What Personal Data do we collect as Controller?

If you engage with us via a contact form or LiveChat on our Website, one of our email addresses or our social media pages, we process the following Personal Data:

(Personal) Data: Purpose(s): Legal basis:
Contact information:

The contact information you share when contacting us (e.g. your name, e-mail address, social media username and bio, job title, company and country of residence) and the content of the message/post/comment you share with us.

We use these data to:

  • respond to your message/post/comment and to answer/handle your questions and feedback;
  • support you in using our Services;
  • allow you to login in our Reporting Environment; and
  • improve our Services as a result of comments, questions and feedback received from you.
We may process these data, because we have a legitimate interest to contact and assist you based on your input and to improve our Services as a result of that.

Our social media pages are also controlled by the provider itself. Please check their own privacy notices, to see how each provider handles Personal Data:

If you are the contact person of our Client, we process the following Personal Data:

(Personal) Data: Purpose(s): Legal basis:
Name and e-mail address. We use these data to:

  • send you e-mails to keep you informed on all our (future) Services.
We may send people who work at our Clients – who paid for our Services – e-mails on all our (future) Services, because we have a legitimate interest to do so.

Personal Data we process when you visit our Website and/or Dashboard:

(Personal) Data: Purpose(s): Legal basis:
Usage Data: Information on how the Website/Dashboard is accessed and used, such as your IP-address, when and for how long you visit the Website/Dashboard, which pages you visit on the Website/Dashboard, on which links you click and technical information (e.g. type of browser and operating system) (“Usage Data”)We collect the Usage Data using cookies and/or similar techniques. Our Cookie Statement outlines the purposes for which Usage Data is processed and the principles underlying the processing of Usage Data. We may process these data because we have a legitimate interest to do so, namely to analyse and improve the Website/Dashboard, or because we have obtained your consent.
For the Dashboard: Your username and password (generated by us). We use these data to register your account and provide you access to your account on our Dashboard. We may process these data, because we have a legitimate interest to perform the contract that we have with the company you work for (our Client).

The online public data we process:

(Personal) Data: Purpose(s): Legal basis:
Online public data
Online public data such as posts, comments or reviews which have been posted publicly by users on social media platforms and/or public websites.
We collect these data with (third party and internally developed) software tools and manually. After the collection the data are redacted to remove certain identifying characteristics and enriched, both through automated means and manually.
We use these data to:

  • provide consumer and social insights to our Clients on an aggregated level.

We do not use these data to build profiles of you, nor do we contact you for any further research based on these data (except in the case of influencer identification and communication). We also do not transfer these data to third parties in personally identifiable form; we only provide aggregated data to our Clients.

We may process these data because we have a legitimate interest to do so, namely to:

  • improve services or products of Clients by matching their characteristics with the demands of consumers based on publicly expressed opinions or experiences;
  • increase influence of consumers in relation to products/services by contributing to the dissemination of publicly posted opinions or experiences; and
  • pursue commercial interests by analysing the effects of (marketing) campaigns, adds or promotions of Clients.

We have a Social Insights Privacy Policy in place that includes measures to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the people whose personal data is collected and processed. We, for example, avoid processing of data of minors and we avoid processing of sensitive/private data as much as possible, we only collect data that is necessary for our analysis and delete/anonymize the data as soon as possible.

5. Mandatory information

It may be legally or contractually required that you provide us with certain Personal Data, as indicated with a (*). For example, we need your email address to be able to respond to your question or request. Where you do not provide us with such information, this will usually imply that we will not be able to provide you with specific Services or perform part of our agreement with you.

6. How long do we keep the Personal Data?

We store Personal Data for as long as we need it for the above purposes, unless we are legally obliged to retain the Personal Data for a longer period. In this respect, we apply the following retention periods:

  • Personal Data in correspondence | These data are stored as long as necessary to handle your message/question/feedback.
  • Cookies | You can find more information about the retention periods of Personal Data collected via cookies in our We use cookies in accordance with our Cookie Statement.
  • Online public data | We retain these data in personally identifiable form as long as necessary to provide consumer insights to our Clients. Online public data is anonimyzed as much as possible upon storage, and deleted once our results are provided to our Clients. These consumer insights are always provided to our Clients on an aggregated level.

Apart from (and even after expiry of) the aforementioned purposes and corresponding retention period(s), we may process and retain certain Personal Data to comply with legal retention obligations and/or for fraud/misuse investigations or to substantiate a (judicial) claim. In such events, we will retain the Personal Data separately and only use such Personal Data for the aforementioned purposes.

7. Do we share your Personal Data with others?


We may share your Personal Data with our internal partners. These internal partners ensure a data protection level equivalent to ours based on our intra group agreements.

Click here for the list of MetrixLab entities.


We use third parties (Processors) who support us in providing our Services. Within this context these Processors receive Personal Data from us which they process on our behalf. For instance, we use Processors for website hosting, data analysis, information technology and related infrastructure provision, customer service, email delivery, auditing and other similar services.

These Processors may only use or disclose the data collected and processed by us within the scope of our instructions to them and under no circumstances for other purposes. We may also share your Personal Data with relevant parties in the event of any reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of our business, assets or stock (including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings). 

Apart from the above, we will not share your Personal Data with third parties, unless we are legally obliged to do so.

8. Export of Personal Data outside the European Union

We may transmit Personal Data to parties outside the European Union, if one of the Processors or Controllers is established outside the European Union. Through Standard Contractual Clauses, we request these parties to ensure that Personal Data is protected in accordance with European Standards. You contact us if you wish to receive more information or a copy of the safeguards we take in this scope where necessary.

9. Third party websites

You may find advertising or other (hyper)links on our Website that link to the websites, products and services of partners, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, licensors or other third parties. We do not control the content or the links that appear on these websites and we are not responsible for the practices employed by websites linked to or from our Website. In addition, these websites, products and services, including their content and links, may be constantly changing. These websites, products and services may have their own privacy notices, user terms and customer service policies. Browsing and interaction on any other website, including websites that are linked to or from our Website, are subject to the terms and policies of that website.

10. Changes of the Privacy Notice

The Privacy Notice may be changed from time to time. Please check our Privacy Notice frequently.

The new Privacy Notice will be effective immediately upon posting on our Website. If we change our Privacy Notice significantly, then we will state so on our Website together with the revised Privacy Notice.

11. Your rights as a Data Subject and our contact data

You have the right to…
You are always entitled to file a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority if you believe that we are not processing your personal data in accordance with the GDPR. In the Netherlands, the supervisory authority for data protection is:

Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens

If you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Notice or your privacy, you can contact us at [email protected]. You can contact our Data Protection Officer directly via [email protected].

MetrixLab B.V.

Wilhelminakade 312
3072 AR Rotterdam
The Netherlands.

E: [email protected].
Chamber of Commerce: 24293853

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